Compare and contrast

     WE should follow the law because yet again whether christans are obligated to "follow
the law" of  moses . After all, since jesus was an abservant jew, and since we'e called to follow
him, shouldn't we lives as abservant jesus as well as we moved into this essay you will learn more
about the law.
     Most of the time the law and what is moral are the same. That person may do thing that increase
of decrease the chance for survival or but would those acts be moral or immoral most of what
we are concerned with in ethice is related to the situation in which humanas are living with others.
     Just because something is required by law doesn't make it right. We have always been a country of laws . It is how we conduct our lives it forms the parameters of our dealings with each other and
with our government. From those laws, we know what we can and cannot. To suggest, as the mayor
does, that our laws can be ignared an the name of "rightness" fosters two separate concepts.
     Just because something in illegal doesn't make it immoral or evil. The essence of these two
definitions is that something is " unethical" if it acceptable behavior. Because of this, something that violates ethics of one calture [ and therefore be considered " evil"] may not violate the ethics of another.
    Sometimes the law and what is right agree but sometimes it doesn't. Yes because sometimes a person killed another person and gets away with it . But every one should go by the law no matter
if it's a baby are adult . If I was the government they could not say the N,F, ARE,S word are disrispect a teahcer

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kenny I want you to either pick a different topic or rewrite this essay. Sick to the format that I give you and make sure you understand the questions and directions before you start. 65%
